We have a lot of exciting events coming up this year, and we can’t wait to see you there!

To make sure as many of you as possible are able to attend, we have made this list of preliminary dates enabling you to make room in your calendar. Note that some of the dates are not booked firm yet, so small changes may still occur.


What:  Ledelseskonferansen 2024: Er vi rigget for neste genarasjon? – Together with BergenUp
When: Torsdag 19. september 2024 kl. 13:00 – 21:00
Where: Bergen Kino LUX / MM Atmosphere

What:  Forhandlinger – Wikborg Rein
When:  24.09.2024
Where: Wikborg Rein, Baneveien 16

What:  Large educational event – Together with Bergen Rederiforening
When:  18.10.2024
Where: TBC

What:  Oktoberfest
When:  25.10.2024
Where: TBC

What:  Large educational event – Together with TBC
When:  14.11.2024
Where: TBC

What:  Christmas sweather party
When:  06.12.2024
Where: TBC