YoungShip Oslo
In the capital of Norway YoungShip has one of its busier branches. Youngship Oslo is proud to have more than 400 active members, around 20 events per year and a close connection to the local maritime industry.
Jubilee Celebrations in Oslo
20 years of YoungShip
YoungShip Oslo welcomes members and friends of the YoungShip family to jubilee celebrations in Oslo as we host ShipCon 2024. We are creating an event for the storybooks on August 20-22, and we hope to see you there! Go to the ShipCon website for tickets and information about the programme.
Join YoungShip Oslo
We are always looking to expand our network and would like to see you at our next event. Come along and connect with other young people in the maritime industries!
Our Main Partners
Nor-Shipping is a committed parter in ensuring Oslo is a thriving home for the shipping industry. During their bi-annual festival week, YoungShip Oslo and Nor-Shipping cooperates to make sure the new generation has a great time with the Young@Nor-Shipping events.
Norwegian Shipowners' Association
The Norwegian Shipowners' Association is a longterm partner for the YoungShip brand. They have contributed to establishing a global presence through the YoungShip International organization, with a secretariat in Oslo.
Oslo Maritime Stiftelse
Oslo Maritime Stiftelse is a charitable foundation established in 1892 with a focus on the welfare of crew. The foundation today supports initiatives promoting Norwegian shipping and seafarers, and helps us in YoungShip Oslo to scale up our activities for our members.
Are you enthusiastic about supporting the maritime industry’s future? YoungShip Oslo invites you to come on board as a sponsor. Our vibrant community of young professionals is the perfect place to demonstrate your commitment to nurturing talent and driving innovation.
Your contributions will enhance our events and initiatives, helping us to offer valuable networking and learning opportunities. Sponsors can participate in a variety of ways, from event sponsorship to sharing expertise.
Want to explore this opportunity? Give us a hint at partnerships@youngshiposlo.com, and we’ll be in touch soon.
Join us in propelling the maritime industry forward.