YoungShip Bergen and Maritime Bergen invites you to Afterwork with PwC on Generative AI in Shipping,

Generative AI has caught everyone’s attention! ChatGPT, an example of this innovation, made history by wowing one million users in record time. Now we see that the biggest players in the business world are not just following along, but actively contributing. The most successful companies are talking about it. But what does this mean for you? Generative AI is not just a buzzword. It is a door opener to new opportunities, but with new technology also come new challenges. At this event, we will explore what the technology is, how it can be used, and how legislation affects its use. 

We will also hear from Project Manager Maren Lodden, about how Grieg Maritime Group developed their very own generative AI product – ChatGMG, in just two months.


  • 1600: Mingling and food
  • 16.30: Welcome
    • André Waage Rivenæs, PwC: Gen AI: What is it, what are the opportunities, and tips and advice on how to apply it.
    • Henrik Sørheim, PwC: EU AI Act and GDPR – How does legislation affect the use of AI.
    • Maren Lodden, Grieg Maritime Group: Development of ChatGMG
  • 17.30: Networking


When: 29. May 2024. Where: Olav Kyrresgate 22, 7th floor.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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