For effective conservation and sustainable use of ocean resources, gender plays an important role and the significance has been increasing from time to time. Even though in recent years there has been little improvement in women involved in science, still, there is a need to empower women and girls not only those in the science and research world but also those in ocean-related activities such as governance, science, conservation and sustainable utilization of marine resources.
Aqua-Farms Organization collaborated with the Women in Marine Sciences Network ( WIMS) which is under the Western Indian Ocean Marine Sciences Association ( WIOMSA), YoungShip Tanzania (YST), Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute, Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries of University of Dar es Salaam, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission-UNESCO and PaddaFelis Events together we commemorated the day hosting a one day conference which was graced by 70 different attendees from various academia ( University of Dar es Salaam), Policymakers, Researches, Young early career scientists, and other sectors. The purpose of the conference was to advocate for gender participation in Ocean Sciences and informal sectors related to fisheries, To advocate for the Ocean Decade and how gender will play a role to celebrate the achievements of the women who have made tremendous contributions in ocean-related sectors, and plans for engagement for the coming Ocean Decade 2021-2030
On the commencement of the event, Founder and Director Aqua-Farms Organizations Mr. Jerry Mang’ena gave a welcome note at the World Oceans Day, he insisted on the importance of the ocean and more on what drives Aqua-Farms Organization honours this special day. “ We began the World Oceans Day commemoration in 2018, with the purpose of increasing awareness to the general public of Tanzania and beyond the benefits of the ocean to humankind well being” on the 2018 event we set a baseline for the Plastics pollution with a wider involved stakeholders we played a big part in the large civic movement of Lets do it movement and now June 1st the Government has banned the use of plastic bags. It’s my hope for 2019, we will come up with approaches on how to go about the gender ocean-related problems that make us fail to get to the better line”.
“Policy plays a huge part in gender-ocean issues and she insists on the involvement of all stakeholder in addressing gender issues”, Honourable Immaculate Sware Semesi who is a Member of Parliament and a Marine Scientist following her experience as a marine scientist and now working on policies, she encourages the translation and development of policy briefs after research and easy way of sharing the results from research to the community and policymakers. as well.
The Session ended with deliberations on the gender issues with the ocean and the road towards the Ocean decade.
5200 Seedlings of Mangroves Replanted at Mbweni
Our very first meeting with young professionals in different positions in Maritime industry, discussing on how to promote our careers.
Since March 2018, we have been able to collaborate with the Mbweni community through the beach management units, Wanawake Mazingira Group and a number of partners in assuring the desired goal of 10,000 Mangroves for 100 years of carbon offset.
Mbweni Mangrove forest is a vital periurban forest just at the edge of Dar es Salaam and Coastal region, and there is a degraded area as a result of El Nino of the late 1990s, where a lot of waterlogged at the mangroves and nearly 2 acres died.
We are restoring the degraded part of Mbweni mangrove forest with 10,000 Mangrove seedling through community-based restoration, since March 2018 and up to the moment we have restored 5200 seedlings.
Meanwhile, as the project aimed at supporting alternative livelihood for the Mbweni community, modern beekeeping has been enrolled as a part of sustainable harvesting of this forest, where on February 9th, AFO and the collaboration organizations supported the women of Wanawake mazingira group 4 beehives, a protective suit and smoker for harvesting honey. Beekeeping will add value to Wanawake mazingira group is a source of food and income hence is a potential economic activity thus it is a substitute for destructive economic activities, but also enhance the sustainability of the restoration programme.

Education of the public and education within maritime circles to take the industry forward technologically and to protect and identify maritime heritage.
Young Ship Tanzania is a non-profit society branch under Young Ship International (YSI), which provides networking platform for professionals from maritime and related industry. We strive to reinvent how people get together in the Tanzania maritime industry and we speak out for the young people in shipping. If you are keen to make new friends, why not join us?
After all, it is all about shipping and people. Young ship International (YSI) have currently over 3,000 members across 20 different global branches, from different companies across the maritime industry, covering ship owners, brokers, operators, financial institutions, insurance, technical and judicial consultants.
Our goal is to enhance interactions and promoting education in shipping, and contribute to make Tanzania the shipping hubs in the world.
Our activities are primarily supported by the various sponsoring companies, and we appreciate their continuous support to our initiatives.
If you’re interested in joining our team, we’d love to hear from you.We’re always keen to meet people who share our values and our passion for delivery.
We look for people with a forward-thinking mindset, a creative approach and a commitment to doing the right thing. So if that sounds like you and you’re an experienced specialist, a strategic thinker and a strong leader please do get in touch.
The Young Ship Tanzania wishes to reach out to people who know little or nothing about the industry. It is largely a low profile industry with little known about it by the world at large both in terms of historic and contemporary knowledge, and also in terms of the vast and useful service it provides to every one of us.
However, when the industry does get coverage in the press, this tends to be in the wake of an accident or disaster, and is therefore for the wrong reasons.
Problems and disasters create a negative impression.
This lack of knowledge is perceived to create problems for the industry as a whole, making it difficult for it to take control of its destiny, to promote maritime heritage and to attract the dynamic young talent that it needs.
Our vision is Education.
Education of the public and education within maritime circles to take the industry forward technologically and to protect and identify maritime heritage.