The Ankerdram event held at Dampsentralen on April 28th was a resounding success, leaving attendees with smiles and a sense of connection. The venue buzzed with energy as YoungShip members and potential members gathered for a fun and relaxed evening.

The event kicked off at 18:30 and drew a great turnout, with over 30 members and potential members in attendance.

Ankerdram, known for its informal and friendly vibe, lived up to expectations. Attendees mingled, socialized, and enjoyed delicious bites alongside drinks. Laughter and conversations echoed through the venue, as both new and familiar faces shared their enthusiasm for the maritime industry.

The event not only provided a fantastic opportunity for networking among peers but also extended a warm welcome to potential new YoungShip members. Bringing along friends added to the lively atmosphere, encouraging even more interactions and exchanges of ideas.

Overall, the Ankerdram event at Dampsentralen was a wonderful blend of camaraderie, relaxation, and networking. Attendees left with strengthened connections and a renewed sense of community within YoungShip, making it a memorable and enjoyable evening for all.