Annual General Meeting 3. March 2025

Velkommen til årsmøte i YoungShip Møre mandag 3. mars fra kl 18:00 på ÅKP Innovation area, 3. etasje på NMK (oppmøte i resepsjonen på NMK). 
Agenda/ Saksliste:

  1. Approve summons for meeting and agenda
  2. Elect meeting chair, minutes secretary, vote counting responsible, two to sign meeting minutes
  3. Summary of 2024
  4. Approve financial statements for 2024
  5. Budget and 2025 proposal
  6. Approve membership fee 2025
  7. Election of board members
  8. Articles of association
  9. AoB
Frist for å legge til saker i agendaen er 27. februar. Ta kontakt om du har spørsmål eller innspill.
Etter årsmøtets formaliteter får vi høre presentasjoner om innovasjonsarbeid ved NTNU og høre mer om arbeidet til ÅKP/GCE BMC. Mat og forfriskninger blir servert. Her får du mulighet til å høre mer om YoungShip Møres planer for kommende år og komme med innspill, og som alltid en mulighet til å sosialisere med andre YoungShippere.
Årsmøtet er åpent for alle YoungShip-medlemmer som har betalt medlemsavgift for 2024 og/eller 2025.
Påmelding skjer via skjemaet under. Fint om du fyller ut skjemaet slik at vi vet ca hvor mange som kommer.

Registration has closed. Contact YoungShip Møre if you still want to join the event - we might have available spots.

You are invited to the annual general meeting for YoungShip Møre Monday March 3rd from 18:00 at ÅKP Innovation area, 3rd floor at NMK (meet in the reception at NMK). 

  1. Approve summons for meeting and agenda
  2. Elect meeting chair, minutes secretary, vote counting responsible, two to sign meeting minutes
  3. Summary of 2024
  4. Approve financial statements for 2024
  5. Budget and 2025 proposal
  6. Approve membership fee 2025
  7. Election of board members
  8. Articles of association
  9. AoB
Deadline for adding to the agenda is 27. February. Contact us if you have questions or additions.
After the formalities of the annual meeting we will have a presentation from NTNU about innovation and hear more about ÅKP/GCE BMC's work. Food and refreshments will be served. This is a great opportunity to hear more about YoungShip Møre's plans for the next year and a chance to come with suggestions, and as always an opportunity to socialize with other YoungShippers.
The annual meeting is open to all YoungShip members who have paid the membership fee for 2024 and/or 2025. 

Please sign up using the form above if you plan to attend, that way we know how many to order food for.