YoungShip Gothenburg

YoungShip Gothenburg

Since its founding in 1621, Gothenburg has remained the maritime hub of Sweden. Providing a growing ground for a broad spectra of stakeholders within the maritime cluster, leading in marine innovation, research and entrepreneurship, Gothenburg has created several recognized actors within the shipping industry.Shipowners, universities, technical manufacturers, brokers, shipyards and many more, with a high level of competence and motivation within their specific fields, are the product of the unique environment present in our city.YoungShip Gothenburg wants our city to remain on the cutting edge of the shipping industry.Join us today and be part of the future!

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About YoungShip Gothenburg

In early 2013, YSG was established with the aim to connect young professionals within the shipping cluster of Gothenburg. With a call to influence and promote the future of the maritime industry, we consists of members from many different areas of the industry.

As a member, you are YSG. As a member driven organization, the prime organ of YSG is the General Assembly held in March each year. Your opinion is highly valued and an important part of running our branch. The all-year management is made by the board which is presented below.

To achieve our mission of connecting people within the maritime cluster, we arrange social gatherings, work-shops and study visits, both alone and together with other organizations. The ambition is to host an YSG event at least four times a year in addition to our partnered events.

If you have a job connected to the maritime industry and are under the age of thirty-five, do not hesitate to join us! 

To register for a membership, click the orange button above!

If you have any questions or wish to support the organization in any way, please contact us!

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