Welcome to the Youngship Belgium Community

Your subscription as member of Youngship Belgium has been confirmed!

We hope to see you soon during one of our events.

Being a member of Younghip Belgium offers you:

  1. Networking opportunities
  2. Professional development
  3. Access to educational opportunities
  4. Social and fun events
  5. Exclusive company visits
  6. Access to international conferences 
  7. Access to our Whatsapp community (upcoming)

Our membership is free and comes with no obligations, however active participation is at the heart of our community. We aim to offer our events for free or with a small contribution.

Antwerp Tanguy guided tour - 12th March 2025

Ahoy YoungShippers!

Youngship Belgium would like to invite you to a personalized Antwerp tour to discover its maritime history. The tour will be provided by Award-winning city guide and bestseller author Tanguy Ottomer - so dont miss this opportunity! We will gather at MAS museum in the Eilandje to start the tour.

After the visit, plan is to stay in one of the bars recommended by Tanguy to catch-up with a drink and discuss the learnings of the tour.

We hope to see you there.


Wednesday 12 March 2025
18:00 hrs - 21:00 hrs


MAS museum
Hanzestedenplaats 1,
2000 Antwerpen








Visit Antwerp port house - 20th February 2025

Ahoy YoungShippers!

Youngship Belgium would like to invite you to a exclusive guided tour into our iconic Antwerp port house. We will be guided by colleagues of the port house and provided an explanation on the history of the building and the main highlights of the current challenges and opportunities of one of the largest ports in the world - The port of Antwerp Brugge.

Event will start at 16:30h sharp, so dont be late.

After the visit, plan is to gather at Seef brewery to catch-up with a drink and discuss the learnings of the visit.

We hope to see you there.


Thursday 20 February 2025
16:30 hrs - 21:00 hrs


Port Authority of Port of Antwerp-Bruges
Zaha Hadidplein 1,
2030 Antwerpen


Subscriptions for this event have closed. We hope to see you at our next event!

YSB New year's reception - 23 January 2025

Happy New Year YoungShippers!

As the world marks the dawn of 2025, we are embracing the joy of the new beginnings a little differently - and we want YOU to be part of it!

YoungShip Belgium is keen to invite you to a New Year's reception to celebrate the past 2024 and to raise a glass to a bright 2025.

This time we go for a WineTastic! evening at De Natie for a network event which includes a wine tasting. Lets gather to celebrate not just the year ahead, but the special memories we have already made together and the new experiences ahead! Don't miss this opportunity!

For this event we ask a contribution of 10 euro for participation.

If you bring 2 new members you will get a special gift.

Why Baz Luhrmann's 'The Great Gatsby' Is A Modern Classic


Thursday 23 January 2025
18:00 hrs - 21:00 hrs


De Natie
van de Wervestraat 18,
2060 Antwerpen


Subscribe here:

Ocean Film Tour - 26 Mar 2024

Ahoy YoungShippers!


Put the 26th of March in your calender as the anniversary edition of the Ocean Film Tour is something you do not want to miss!

The films are again a variation of ocean related topics, going form windsurfing and the warm waves of Cuba to the ice cold Antartica. Throughout the evening, numerous short movies (5-20mins) will be shown, capturing life and activities above or under the sea-level from all around the globe.
This years face of the tour is Frank Gonzáles Guerra, Never Stop Surfing is the motto of the up-and-coming surfing community in Cuba. And the passionate Cuban surfers could do with a motto alongside solidarity, courage and a lot of passion.

Check the trailer here,

After the films, we share our impressions over a drink in the foyer.



Exclusively for YoungShip Belgium members, we offer tickets at a discount price.



When? 26 March 2024 - doors at 19h00

Where? Zuiderpershuis
Waalsekaai 14, Antwerpen
             Routebeschrijving via GoogleMaps

Pricing? 10€


Subscriptions for this event have closed. We hope to see you at our next event!