Summer drinks 8 August
We are pleased to announce a change of plans for our summer drinks. Instead of Weena Café, on 8 August, YoungShip is joining forces with Jong-Havenvereniging Rotterdam to have a bigger party at DÂK!
JHV and YSR are working together to host a special event—open to members of both associations and their friends! This will be a fantastic opportunity to celebrate together and meet new faces!

Ensure you are inside before 19.00 so you do not have to queue! Arrivals after 19.00 will be subject to DÂK’s capacity.
If you’re joining the event as a member of our community, please select the “YoungShip Ticket” at the link above.
We will provide free admission and a few free drinks for the first members who sign up and attend the event, so be quick! This is also a perfect event to bring a guest to introduce them to our club. The more the merrier!
Do not miss this unique experience: DÂK is an annual pop-up rooftop park on the roof of a parking garage in the centre of Rotterdam, with a view you will never want to look away from!