10 Women to Watch
10 Women to Watch
10 Women to Watch
In order to remain competitive, the shipping industry of the future must have access to a diverse talent pool, with the brightest of all backgrounds. Getting a multitude of talented young professionals to apply for jobs is a challenge, and at times, even more so when it comes to attracting and recruiting women.
To showcase the talented female professionals in the industry and inspire graduates and young people to join the maritime domain, YoungShip Oslo is continuing this work with “10 Women to Watch” for 2025 in partnership with Nor-Shipping.
On behalf of YoungShip Oslo and our partner Nor-Shipping, we are inviting you to submit your nominations for the "10 Women to Watch" list
A host of companies in our industry are these days putting their nominations forward to present the leaders of tomorrow and help inspire young female professionals that our industry is the place to be. The list will be profiled during Nor-Shipping in June, with a dedicated event during Young@Nor-Shipping, and in social media/media.
Do you have a talented colleague or client that deserves to be on the list? Simply submit a nomination!
We encourage all companies in the industry to nominate their inspiring colleague.
Nomination criteria
- Be under 35 years of age
- Achieved high accomplishments so far in their career
- Be ambitious and passionate for the maritime industry and its future development
- Have demonstrated the ability to inspire others
- Have exemplified strong interdepartmental or company-level leadership skills despite their age
- Have demonstrated a willingness to teach and share knowledge with others
- Have taken significant responsibility relevant to their career level
- Likely to become a visible and important figure in the maritime sector in the years to come (10-15 years)

"10 Women to Watch" Jury for 2025
- Christine Rødsæther
- Gunvor Ulstein
- Lisa Edvardsen Haugan
- Peter Wessel
- Thomas Wilhelmsen
- Yngvil Åsheim
- Øystein Kalleklev
Do you have any questions related to the award? Don’t hesitate to contact us at 10wtw@youngshiposlo.com.